October 2,2021,8 pm
New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall


Hung-Kuan Chen 陳宏寬,pianist



~ Program ~

Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
Sonetto 104 del Petrarca from Années de pèlerinage II

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Intermezzo in A major,Op. 118,No. 2

Frédéric Chopin
Mazurka in A minor,Op. 59,No. 1
Mazurka in A-flat major,Op. 59,No. 2
Mazurka in F-sharp minor,Op. 59,No. 3

Johann Sebastian Bach
Prelude and Fugue in F-sharp major from The Well-Tempered Clavier,Book II,BWV 882


Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
Suite bergamasque
Clair de Lune


Sergei Rachmaninoff
Piano Sonata No. 2 in B-flat minor,Op. 36
Allegro agitato
Non allegro—Lento
Allegro molto


Foundation for
Chinese Performing Arts


photos: Chi Wei Lo,Xiaopei Xu and Chung Cheng

Hung-Kuan Chen 陳宏寬,pianist

"Pianist Hung-Kuan Chen’s career - as well as his life -- has been a vivid example of the concept of yin-and-yang. In that Chinese philosophy,apparent opposites are actually complementary: each fulfills a need in the other; one cannot exist without the other. Mr. Chen embodies a synthesis of seeming opposites that coalesce into a unique artistic personality.

Hung-Kuan Chen was born in Taipei and raised in Germany. He established a strong connection to Germanic Classicism in his early studies which he integrated with the sensibility of organic Chinese philosophy. "I’m Chinese by birth,” he says,"but I’m actually more European. I’ve read and studied a tremendous amount of the great literature and language of Germany.”

One of the most honored pianists of his generation,Mr. Chen won top prizes in the Arthur Rubinstein,Busoni,and Geza Anda International Piano Competitions,and in the Young Concert Artists International Piano Auditions. He also won prizes in the Queen Elisabeth,Montreal International Musical and Van Cliburn International Piano Competitions,as well as an Avery Fisher Career Grant.

Mr. Chen has performed in many of the world’s foremost concert venues,including Carnegie Hall in New York,the Kennedy Center in Washington,D.C.,Davies Symphony Hall in San Francisco,the Tonhalle in Zürich,the Herkulesaal in Munich,the Sala Verdi in Milan,Suntory Hall in Tokyo,National Concert Hall in Taipei,Shanghai Concert Hall and the Forbidden City Concert Hall in Beijing. He was the first to perform the Rachmaninoff Third and Beethoven Fourth Piano Concertos in Taipei,and gave the Shanghai premiere of the Bartók Second Piano Concerto. His plans for the 2015-2016 season include solo and orchestral performances in China and Switzerland,in Boston,and at Aspen and Yale. He is also preparing new recordings to be made in Switzerland in 2016.

Hung-Kuan Chen has enjoyed fruitful artistic collaborations with,among others,Christoph Eschenbach,Hans Graf,George Cleve,Joseph Silverstein,David Shifrin,Roman Totenberg,ChoLiang Lin,the Shanghai Quartet,Sui Lan and Andrew Parrott. His most meaningful artistic partnership is with his wife,Tema Blackstone,with whom he frequently performs as a piano duo.

Hundreds of students worldwide have benefitted from Hung-Kuan Chen’s knowledge and love of music. "Teaching and performing complement each other,” he declares. "Teaching is sharing,and by sharing,our search continues in a more objective way. When I share,I become the beneficiary of the results of the investigation and the continued questioning. This benefits my playing,as I’m often coming up with new ideas and insights.”

Mr. Chen is currently on the faculty of The Juilliard School and is a visiting professor at Yale,and is also on the faculty for Artemisia Akademie at Yale. He previously served as Chair of the piano department of Shanghai Conservatory,and was on the faculty of New England Conservatory. He has adjudicated prominent international piano competitions such as the Van Cliburn,Busoni,Shanghai,and Honens. His 2015 summer teaching engagements included the Chinese Foundation for the Arts,Piano
Summer Institute in New Paltz,International Music Akademie in Lichtenstein and Aspen Music Festival. Among notable pianists he has taught or coached are Yuja Wang,Sean Chen and Niu Niu.

In 1992,Hung-Kuan Chen suffered a hand injury which caused neurological damage and eventually resulted in focal dystonia. Through meditation and his own unique research,he was able to heal and return to his life as a concert artist. His first post-accident solo recital in 1998 received rave reviews and he was described as a transformed artist.

Mr. Chen addresses his extraordinary journey in these terms: "What gave me the drive and courage to find a cure? On one side was the curiosity about the human body,awareness and consciousness; and on the other,my desire to continue my art. This was the biggest learning curve I had ever encountered. It meant having to detach from ego and ambition. It taught me to embrace all that comes to me and be extremely grateful…to notice the tiny things - those details which create a full life and are often missed by most people. To be ‘in the moment’ sounds clichéd but is not. And as part of the search for meaning,the joy of being able to play again - that was a true miracle.”

A many-faceted individual,Hung-Kuan has painted and drawn,danced,and played several other instruments. He is a serious chef,bakes his own bread and homebrews beer. He is an artisan of home improvement,a skilled woodworker and an electronics whiz. He is a meticulous piano tuner,a knowledgeable jazz enthusiast,and an avid hiker. He brings the same level of curiosity and dedication to both spiritual and worldly pursuits.


中華表演藝術基金會第三十三屆音樂季,將由鋼琴家陳宏寬在102日週六晚8點於新英格蘭音樂學院喬頓廳(New England Conservatory’s Jordan Hall) 開場。這是中華表演藝術基金會自2020 2 月以來第一場回到喬頓廳的音樂會。當晚陳宏寬將演出李斯特、勃拉姆斯、肖邦、巴赫、德彪西和拉赫瑪尼諾夫的作品。喬頓廳規定僅有480 單獨座位,曲目不得超過90分鐘,沒有中場休息,觀眾需戴口罩,並出示打過疫苗的證明才可進場。票價 $15 (age 7-14),$30,$50,提供學生免費票 (十四歲以上)及非學生贈送券,請上網預訂,六歲以下兒童請勿入場。


1980年代開始,他參加了多項國際音樂大賽,在國際上受到肯定,除了獲得魯賓斯坦及普松尼兩項的金牌,也在蕭邦、蒙特婁、范克里本、伊麗莎白女王等大賽中獲得大獎,並得到1991年艾佛瑞費雪音樂成就獎 Avery Fisher Career Grant)


陳宏寬現任茱莉亞音樂學院教師,耶魯大學客座教授。他曾任上海音樂學院鋼琴系主任,曾任教於新英格蘭音樂學院。多次擔任國際鋼琴大賽評委,包括範克萊本 (Van Cliburn),布索尼 (Busoni) 國際鋼琴大賽,上海國際鋼琴比賽,赫尼茲 (Honens) 國際鋼琴比賽等。

1992年,陳宏寬的手神經損傷,導致局部肌肉張力不全。通過 7年得以痊癒,重返音樂舞台。1998年他舉辦了康復後的首場鋼琴獨奏會,穫好評如潮,被稱作涅槃重生的藝術家。談起自己非同尋常的藝術人生時,陳宏寬說:"這是一次極大的考驗。這次經歷教會我,要抱著感恩的心接受生活的幸與不幸。能重返舞台演奏的喜悅,對我來說真是奇蹟"


102日在紐英倫音樂學院喬登廳(Jordan Hall) 盛大公演。雖在疫情安全限制人數等規格下,約330名熱情觀眾在場欣賞,包括很多位紐英倫音樂學院鋼琴教授,音樂界重要人物及很多遠道而來外地學生,都很早到場。 現年80歲,前波士頓環球報(Boston Globe) 主筆 Richard Dyer及普立茲獎主93歲的Yehudi Wyner 等多人都親自出席。 90分鐘的曲目沒有中場休息,陳宏寬一口氣由巴哈(1685-1750)、蕭邦、李斯特、布拉姆斯、德彪西、到拉赫瑪尼諾夫(1873-1943),含蓋巴洛克時期(Baroque)、 古典派、浪漫派、到20世紀現代派的作品,各有特色。 在場很多專業鋼琴老師都不約而同地讚嘆,每次聆聽陳宏寬的演出,都會聽到新的詮釋,動人的音色。 他的音域極廣,最輕細的地方也能清晰入耳, 最震撼的地方也不會覺得是在敲打鍵盤。所有的細節都在他掌控之下。生動感人如歌似韻,令人難忘。  

1992年突然右手受重傷,最嚴重時,連按電視遙控器都無法做到。 整整七年不能彈琴,身心都受到嚴重的打擊。 他在此期間,研讀中西古典文學、佛經、氣功。 在七年後復出的首場獨奏會後,獲佳評如潮,被稱為涅槃重生的藝術家。

他又多演奏兩首安可,並向長期支持他的主辦單位獻花致謝。 中華表演藝術基金會下一場在喬登廰的音樂會,將由2019年伊麗莎白皇后小提琴大賽第一名 Stella Chen2016年伊麗莎白皇后鋼琴大賽第二名及2019Avery Fisher Career 獎主鋼琴家Henry Kramer 聯合演出。門票$15-$50, 六歲以下兒童不可入場。 學生免費票及非學生贈送券,可在官網登記。疫情安全規格詳情請查本網站。

By Dr. Jannie Burdeti

音樂會門票分為$50 (貴賓保留區、可預先指定座位)及$30(不對號自由入座)兩種 ,學生票$15 (不對號自由座區)  。六歲以下兒 童請勿入場 。購票:喬登廳票房: 617-585-1260。網站購票: 無手續費 。
$50: VIP Reserved Seats
$30: open seating at non-VIP section
$15: student open seating at non-VIP section
Children under 6 not admitted.

提供100張免費學生票 (14歲以上 ,每人一張) 請上 贈票網頁 索票  。
100 free student tickets available at only (1 per request for age 14 and up)

查 詢: 中華表演藝術基金會會長譚嘉陵,電話: 781-259-8195


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Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
updated 2021