Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Annual Summer Concert Series
at New England Conservatory, Boston, Massachusetts

 August 7 – 24, 2019

All conecrts Admission Free, suggested donation $10 at door.
Age 6 and under not admitted.

Concert 3
Burnes Hall 7:30 pm

Chi-Wei Lo 駱奇偉 piano


Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins

Franz Liszt :

Arvo Pärt :
Spiegel im Spiegel

Franz Liszt:
Transcendental Étude No. 10 in F minor, "Appassionata"

Claude Debussy :
La puerta del Vino:
Mouvement de Habanera (Wine Gate)

~ Intermission ~

Igor Stravinsky :
Improvisations on the Themes of Petrushka

Ornette Coleman :
Law Years

Alexander Scriabin :
Piano Sonata No. 9, Op. 68
"Black Mass Sonata"

" While mostly avoiding the sin of pride, pianist Chi Wei Lo wowed his Burnes Hall audience with "Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins." Probing and passionate playing invoked perhaps a little envy, but certainly no wrath. Occasional liberties with rhythm and interpretation from Lo did little to mar a mostly jaw-dropping performance. "  - Jim McDonald of the Boston Musical Intelligencer

Susan Miron commented: "Beautiful review of a beautiful, brilliant concert which I will remember for a long time. I look forward to hearing Lo again. He’s got the goods in spades. This writer, full of sloth and envy, loved Lo’s storytelling as well. "

Admission Free, suggested donation $10 at door.
Age 6 and under not admitted.

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Lincoln, Massachusetts


Chi-Wei Lo 駱奇偉 piano

駱奇偉,1993 年出生於高雄,2010–2016 年之間榮獲美國紐約茱莉亞音樂學院 (The Juilliard School) 鋼琴演奏學士與碩士,師承國際知名大師Jerome Lowenthal 與陳宏寬教授,並接受知名藝術家 Roberto Poli、Ran Blake、Joe Morris、Anthony Coleman、Russell Sherman、Wha Kyung Byun、 宋如音教授、劉孟捷教授、陳必先教授 、Joseph Kalichstein、Matti Raekallio、Robert Levin… 等大師指導。

2005年參加波士頓胡桃山藝術學院 (Walnut Hill School for the Arts) 中華藝術表演基金會舉行的協奏曲比賽榮獲第一名,在戶外音樂廣場 (Esplanade) 與波士頓芭蕾舞團指揮 Jonathan Mcphee波士頓長木樂團 (Long Wood Symphony) 演出李斯特的《死之舞》。隨後獲得獎學金而跳級進入胡桃山藝術高中 (Walnut Hill School for the  Arts) 。 

2008 年在新英格蘭音樂院協奏曲比賽拿下第一名,並在音樂學院的喬登廳 (Jordan Hall) 由大師 Benjamin Zander 指揮演出拉威爾「G大調鋼琴協奏曲」,並在同場次演出史特拉文斯基芭蕾舞劇《彼德洛西卡》擔任鋼琴演出。

A. Ramon Rivera鋼琴比賽拿下了第一名。 2010年贏得了 Williams Chorales比賽第二名、 Harvard Musical Association 第三名、 Steinway Competition (史坦威比賽) 第一名。

(Michael Jackson) ,詹姆斯布朗 (James Brown) ,以及皇后樂團 (Queen) 等經典名曲。

2016年奇偉與即興室內樂團 The Illustrators在紐約各地演出,一起錄製了一張實驗性專輯。 2017年九月成為美國新英格蘭音樂學院 (New England Conservatory) 博士候選人,主修現代鋼琴即興。 2018年五月和 Psychopomp Contemporary Ensemble (普緒科蓬現代即興樂團) Bandcamp 發行了第一張網路專輯。

2018 年六月,在高雄捷運公司的邀約下推出「高捷十年,幸福綿延」一系列公益活動。在「致高雄」記者會,奇偉發表為高捷製作全球首發樂曲「致高雄」,隨後在光之穹頂大廳舉行「奔放文森‧梵谷:高捷公益快閃鋼琴音樂會」,並進行現場徵答,贈送「駱奇偉音樂會特仕版一卡通」。 同月,奇偉在高雄市文化中心至善廳舉辦個人鋼琴獨奏會《奔放文森》。 音樂人許馨心老師寫到:「看到了ㄧ場融合音樂、戲劇、繪畫、詩詞的多元藝術表演,而且全部都由ㄧ人包辦[...]演奏者不僅在表演形式上跳脫框架, 於音樂上的改編與即興也是一絕,實則力行此場音樂會所欲傳達之理念,足見演奏者其用心,令人欣喜!

(New England Association of Chinese Professionals) 的邀請,以「音樂藝術與人生」為主題,即興演奏並講解莫扎特的「閃爍的小星星」、鄧麗君的「甜蜜蜜」兩曲,歡慶專協的第41週年。

奇偉的新專輯,《十二分之十二》也在十一月正式發行,受到全省十餘家電台訪問,今年一月初更在台北文水藝文中心、 高雄市音樂館進行公益巡演,贊助金額全數捐贈高雄市社團法人腦性麻痺服務協會。「我從小就想去偏遠地區彈琴給平常不會去音樂廳的人。 我記得當時聽到這個想法的人都笑了,但我至今還是保持同樣的初衷,」奇偉說到:「我們不能忘記自己的根,我身為一個高雄人,就應該要從高雄的團體開始捐助。」


Born in Kaohsiung,  Taiwan,  pianist Chi Wei Lo started studying piano at the age of three. He soon established himself as one of the prominently gifted children in the country,  and has experienced success sharing his sincere love for music,  winning all the major national piano competitions. After winning First Prize in the Chinese Performing Arts Festival in 2005,  he performed Liszt’s Totentanz with Longwood Symphony Orchestra at Boston’s Esplanade,  under the baton of Jonathan McPhee. Mr. Lo’s creativity and style made the year 2008 marked by numerous accomplishments,  including First Prize in the A. Ramon Rivera Piano Competition,  The New England Conservatory’s Preparatory School Concerto Competition in the top category. In the year of 2010,  Mr. Lo would go on to win the Steinway competition.

Along with standard repertoire,  Mr. Lo has arranged songs from pop and rock artists including Michael Jackson,  The Beatles,  and Queen,  and has received praises for these repertoires in Asia,  the United States,  and Europe. Having graduated from the Juilliard School under the guidance of Mr. Jerome Lowenthal and Mr. Hung Kuan Chen in 2016,  Mr. Lo also enjoys an active schedule of performances as a soloist and chamber player and is expanding his creativity through different genres of music. In 2017,  Mr. Lo became a doctoral candidate at the New England Conservatory,  majoring in contemporary piano improvisation,  under the guidance of Mr. Ran Blake and Mr. Anthony Coleman. Performances in 2018 include a debut at TECO (Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York) with New Asia Chamber Society; a debut at Tufts University with Psychopomp,  improvising on the “intermezzo” of the silent film,  Metropolis (1927) ,  using a prepared piano and newly made percussion instruments.

During the summer of 2018,  Mr. Lo received high praise for his interdisciplinary piano recital,  “Declaration of Aesthetics, ” which acts out the life of Vincent van Gogh. In addition,  Mr. Lo was commissioned by the Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation (KRTC) to write a composition,  “For Kaohsiung, ” in celebration of its 10 years anniversary,  and was invited to participate in a series of related events including a press conference,  a flashmob recital,  and the printing of Mr. Lo’s limited edition Metro card.

To celebrate his new album,  12/12,  which was released in November,  Mr. Lo’s promotional tour included appearances in more than ten radio stations in Taiwan and two benefit concerts for the Kaohsiung City Cerebral Palsy Association. “I have always felt that musicians have a responsibility to help and give back to their community, ” said Mr. Lo. “We must not forget our roots,  and that’s why I have chosen to start charity events in Kaohsiung,  my birth city,  with hopes to expand and give back to more communities worldwide.”


Thank you for your generous contribution to
Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Lincoln,  Massachusetts