General Notes:    
  1. All sales are final, no refund, no exchange.
  2. The email confirming of your payment from PAYPAL is your ticket.
    We DO NOT ship tickets to your address.
  3. Children under 6 not admitted.
  4. Group discount available, contact Cathy Chan directly by email
  5. If you prefer to pay by personal checks via postal mail, please contact Cathy Chan directly by email
about zelle
You may pay using zelle to via your bank. You must inform Cathy Chan by email of your name, for intended tickets and quantity after the fund is successfully transferred.

On the event date, Online Ticketing closes at 2 pm and Rush Tickets will be available at door.

March 1, 2025, 8 pm   
Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory
Nancy Zhou 周穎, violin
Weicong Zhang
張薇聰, piano
price includes the New England Conservatory
$2.00 Preservation Fee.
Ticket Type Price

VIP seats
open seating
non-VIP seats
 students with ID
non-VIP seats
Note: upon completion of the payment process, make sure you scroll to the bottom and select Return to the Merchant for final step of seat selection. or click here.

May 3, 2025, 8 pm   
Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory
Joseph Lin, violin
Claire Bourg
, violin
Hsin-Yun Huang
, viola
Raman Ramakrishnan
, cello
Helen Huang
, piano

price includes the New England Conservatory
$2.00 Preservation Fee.
Ticket Type Price

VIP seats
open seating
non-VIP seats
 students with ID
non-VIP seats
Note: upon completion of the payment process, make sure you scroll to the bottom and select Return to the Merchant for final step of seat selection. or click here.


Thank you for your generous contribution to
Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts

Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts
Lincoln, Massachusetts
updated 2024
